Bunga Stoking

You will need/Anda memerlukan--> 1 inch green ribbon and 1/2 inch pink ribbon,SWG 26 or 24 wires,pliers,scissor,thread,flower stocking,flower stigma,bamboo stick,net,flower tape,and gold wires.

First of all,cut the gold wires into 4 small pieces/Potong dawai emas kepada 4 bahagian.

Then,shaped the already cut wires into petals as per picture below.You will need 7 petals./Kemudian,bentukkan dawai yang dipotong menjadi kelopak seperti gambar di bawah.Anda akan memerlukan 7 kelopak.

Wrap the wire petals with stocking individually.Stretch the stocking neatly and tie the end with thread.Remember not to overstretch the stocking so that it won't get torn./Balut kelopak dengan stoking.Tarik stoking dengan kemas dan ikat hujungya mengunakan benang.Jangan menarik stoking terlalu tegang supaya tidak terkoyak.

Next,take flower stigma (around 10) and divide it into two with a wire at the centre.Refer the picture below./Seterusnya,ambil inti bunga dan bahagikannya kepada 2 mengikut contoh di dalam gambar.

Attached the stigma to the petals using thread.Start one by one until all 7 petals are combined together.Tidy it with the flower tape./Cantumkan inti bunga dengan kelopak menggunakan benang 1 demi 1 sehingga kesemua 7 kelopak dicantum.

After that,take the 1 inch ribbon and knot it like a bow.Make 4 sets of it./Selepas itu,ambil riben hijau 1 inci dan ikat seperti di dalam gambar sebanyak 4 set.

Do the same with the 1/2 pink ribbon.You will also need to make it 4 sets.Make it so that the lenght of pink ribbons is more than green ribbons./ Begitu juga dengan riben pink 1/2 inci. Buat 4 kesemuanya dan pastikan panjang riben pink ini melebihi panjang riben hijau.

Combined 3 sets of green and pink ribbon together underneath the flower that we did earlier. Arranged it nicely.Green next to pink and so on.Neatly tape it./ Cantumkan 3 set riben pink dan riben hijau dibawah bunga yang dihasilkan tadi.Susun supaya warnanya berselang-seli.

When it is done,join a bamboo stick to the flower with ribbons we made just now./ Apabila siap,lekatkan batang buluh kepada bunga tersebut.

Halfway taping along the bamboo stick,attached the last sets of ribbons./ Sewaktu melilit hampir separuh batang buluh,cantumkan set riben pink dan hijau yang terakhir.

Follows by the net to store boiled egg,chocolates or fragrant soap.
Continue taping until almost the end of the bamboo stick./ Diikuti dengan net untuk mengisi telur,coklat ataupun sabun berpewangi.

This is what it will look like when it is finish :)/Inilah hasilnya apabila siap :)

If necessary,cut the ribbons to appropriate lenght. Shaped the flower to make it look livelier./Jika perlu,potong riben supaya panjangnya bersesuaian.Bentukkan bunga supaya 
nampak lebih hidup dan menarik.


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